(Season 4, Episode 1- “Universal Royalty: The Ultimate Showdown”)
This episode of the controversial TLC series Toddlers & Tiaras focuses on a rivalry between two of the most top-notch competitors in the southern pageant world. Eden, a sophisticated six-year-old pro, will compete against underdog Makenzie, a spunky five-year-old self-professed diva from Louisiana, in Texas’ Universal Royalty Pageant. This 80’s themed pageant features a “glitz canopy bed” fit for a queen, as well as $1,000 cash for first prize.
Eden, who introduces herself as “I’m Eden, I’m 6 years old, and I have the biggest name in all of pageants”, is described by her mother as “the prima donna of the pageant world, way more than a pageant superstar”. Eden is clearly no stranger to the pageant world, having won over 250 supreme titles. She also is making tracks in the entertainment industry, with a book, an album, a music video, and even a doll. Eden is embarking on a mall performance tour this summer, with her hit song “Cutie Patootie”. It is overwhelmingly evident that Eden’s mother is a driving force behind turning her innocent six-year-old into a Hollywood diva. At times, it seems like too much for such a young girl. Eden’s introduction ends with a full-fledged massage and cucumber facial at a local spa.
Five-year-old Makenzie, is described by her mother as “not just your average pageant girl”. It is clear that Makenzie has tons of personality, and is sassy, spunk, and demanding. She’s got a “diva attitude” and is often times whiny and fussy, yet this is normal for a five-year-olds. With Makenzie’s example, it seems as if the pageant world depicted on TLC can be all too mature for such young girls. In her introduction, it is questionable at times whether Makenzie really enjoys pageants, because she is always fussing and whining when getting ready for these pageants. It is clear that she still has some setbacks, because she requires a “flipper” (often used in the pageant world as a mouthpiece to create the illusion of straight adult teeth) because her teeth are so crooked and misplaced because of her excessive pacifier usage. While Makenzie is very emotionally distressed over having to use a flipper, her mother insists on it because it will help her chances in the competition.
Upon the weekend pageant that the girls will be competing in, they take a trip to Hollywood with their mothers to appear on Entertainment Tonight, as well as a meet-and-greet with fans while Eden performs one of her songs. While Eden is in Hollywood to further her entertainment career, Makenzie is just along for the ride. Eden clearly comes from a wealthy family who is putting out lots of money for her to do all this. Eden professes, “I’m going to probably be famous and have everything that superstars do”. Her mom, Mickie, is clearly obsessed with the luxury and lavishness of the Hollywood lifestyle, and has high hopes for her daughter (“[Eden] is gonna be somebody”) in ensuring that this lifestyle will become reality. While in L.A., Makenzie seems to get a bit of the Hollywood bug from Eden, and with her mother she meets with an acting coach to assess if she can do this professionally. Makenzie’s huge personality shows through in this meeting, and it is clear that she is excited. While her mom states that she requires “proper training”, the acting coach states that Makenzie “has an emotional light that is incredible”. Throughout the course of the Hollywood trip, it is clear that Eden and Makenzie are not strangers to the limelight, for they are constantly taking pictures with young fans.
It is noted that that last time Makenzie and Eden competed against each other, Makenzie won the title of Supreme Queen, which was a step down from Eden’s top title of Ultimate Grand Supreme. The Universal Royalty pageant will give away only fourteen titles to the over 100 contestants. The pageant director states that “Makenzie and Eden are frontrunners, famous in their own right”. Whoever wins the top title is in the hands of the judges, based on a matter if they are looking for “trained professional” (Eden) or for “personality and babydoll” (Makenzie). Back in hair and makeup, Makenzie is preparing for the beauty sector of the competition. She is constantly fussing, whining, and crying. The room is filled with hairpieces, wigs, curling iron, hairspray, and an excessive amount of makeup. Eden, who usually appears much more mature than Makenzie, is also being very fussy and whiny during the process of getting ready. Her mother often feeds her pure sugar- Red Bull energy drinks, soda, and candy. Both girls have issues sitting still as well, and it all goes to show that they are only little children. They wear exquisite fancy dresses, full of glitter, sequins, and ruffles.
In the beauty competiton, they girls will be judged on facial beauty, personality, modeling, overall appearance. One judge states that she looks for a girl “who’s got the perfect hair and tan, whose got that winning smile and her personality comes through”. Because Makenzie and Eden are in different age groups, they are not competing against each other for the group titles (best dressed, best smile) but are competing against each other for the supreme titles. Before Makenzie goes on stage, her mom reminds her “remember not to blink too much and not to bounce too much, walk smooth, and bright eyes”. On stage, Makenzie exhibits lots of personality and sass. She seems very confident and sure of herself. However, her mother is concerned over the fact that she did not use her flipper. While the other is onstage, the two girls pay close attention from the audience. While they were obviously friends in California, they seem to be obsessive rivals now. Eden’s stage performance is very different from Makenzie’s; she is very poised, sophisticated, and elegant.
During the crowning of age groups, if you are not given any award it means you have been pulled for a higher title. Makenzie is not pulled, and is given the award of “future queen”. Her mother is concerned for when her daughter realizes that she “did not win anything”. She starts to get emotional and does not want her daughter to see her. While Eden is very obsessed with winning the luxurious bed, she is clearly under pressure from her mom, and states ““I think my mom’s nervous. She really wants me to win this pageant”. However, Eden does pull for a higher title either, but also wins best dressed and most beautiful among her age group. Eden’s name is then called for Grand Supreme, and she is immediately overwhelmingly excited. Her mother is now concerened with the fact that Eden did not yet realize that she did not win Ultimate Grand Supreme (and the bed). Ultimate Grand Supreme is given to an older girl. Eden becomes heartbreakingly sad. You can tell that her feelings are hurt, and it is hard to watch. It is clear that Eden really takes pride in competiting. The loss of the highest title hits Eden harder than it does Makenzie, who is just whining and crying that she does not have a crown. Overall, the day ended on a distressing note for both girls, when in the beginning they had to much optimism and pride in themselves. At the end of the day, it really shows that they are only five and six years old, and not the mature beauty queens that the pageant makes them out to be.
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